Ida af Larsson

Återigen dag.

Publicerad 2009-03-07 10:27:37 i Life,

Jag tappade allting på golvet för ett tag och lät det ligga kvar. Det är inte likt mig men igår så hände det. Sedan tog jag ett djupt andetag, log och plockade upp sakerna igen.

And that's the way it goes.

Jag önskar bara att jag hade någon att gråta hos.

I know, I know the sun is hot
Mosquitos come suck your blood
Leave you there
All alone just skin and bone
When you walk among the trees
Listening to the leaves
The further I go the less I know
The less I know

Where will you run?
Where will you hide?
To paralyze

Fat and soft, pink and weak
Foot and thigh, tongue and cheek
You know I'm told they swallow you whole
Skin and bone
Cutting boards and hanging hooks
Bloody knives, cooking books
Promising you won't feel a thing
At all

Swallow and chew
Eat you alive
All of us food that hasn't died
And the light says

Somehow they pick and pluck
Tenderize bone to dust
The sweetest grease, finest meat you'll ever taste
Taste, taste
So you scream, whine, and yell
Supple sounds of dinner bells
We all will feed the worms and trees So don't be shy

Swallow and chew
Eat you alive
All of us food that hasn't died


Postat av: Anonym

Publicerad 2009-03-09 19:03:35

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